In today’s disruptive reality, the public sector must constantly address complex dynamic challenges with effective and innovative tools and solutions. Consequently, policy makers, government officials, and public administrators are in need of practical and professional training, designed for quickly adapting in a rapidly changing environment. Ranked 37th in the world in this field, our international MPA program specializing in Public Administration, Public Management and Policy Studies, offers state of the art public policymaking and management skills on economic, social, and political levels. These include advanced theoretical knowledge and practical tools, tailored to the needs of the public sector in the 21st century.
By leveraging Israel’s dynamic public policy experience to a competitive advantage, the program’s curriculum serves as a learning benchmark for future decision makers and policy designers. This gives students a unique opportunity to acquire a broad range of theoretical knowledge and tools to understand, analyze and tackle today’s economic, social, and political challenges. Program highlights include: